Wednesday, July 25, 2018


If you’re been following our FB ministry page, you know we’ve transitioned from the Philippines to New Mexico. Being from Michigan, we still feel like pilgrims because life here is so different from the Midwest. Culture, climate, you name it. (It’s lonely not having anyone to speak Tagalog with, too.) So, rather than feeling like we are back in our earthly homeland, we’re on yet another pilgrimage. So “Thrice” just seemed like a nice way to describe where life has taken us in this new season.
We have 2 areas of ministry we’ll concentrate on here. One is Native Americans & the other is the International Community (especially people who have come relatively recently to the US & are living here). Our real passion is training & equipping leaders for the local church (God’s primary instrument for fulfilling the Great Commission). Its ability to be God’s instrument depends largely on its health. Its health depends much on the quality of its leadership. So we believe that what we do is a vital ministry, & we are committed to giving it our best & trusting the Lord for His help.

This may be the only time we’ll do an appeal here at the blog. If you’re interested in learning more about this ministry thru monthly newsletter or prayer updates send us a Facebook message or comment below.

Also, if you would like to partner with us financially, you can do so at:

1 comment:

  1. I am seriously praying about coming out and helping somehow in your new ministry. I pray Chuck has the same vision. I was never happier than when I was out on the mission field with Dr. Lie (Lee) and his wife Gloria. Dr. Lie is deceased now for a little over a year.



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