Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Hi! My name is Ray & I’m a recovering cynic.

Why would a minister or missionary, or a disciple of Christ for that matter, struggle with cynicism? There are a lot of reasons, & one of them is that I am a human being just like everyone else. Another is that I’m not somehow magically immune from the kinds of negative experiences that can influence people to be cynical.

What is cynicism & why is it toxic? First, cynicism is very different from skepticism. In my view, skepticism (at least the healthy kind) is using reason, experience, & observation to avoid being gullible. It’s kind of like a shield we develop that can protect us from being deceived. Cynicism is a deeply held refusal to believe that there could be anything good about a person, experience, or situation.

What are some symptoms of cynicism? When we look around at the negatives that are happening in our culture, we see people who seem to be eaten up with it. How else do we explain things like the deep political divisions, the readiness to take offense at the smallest perceived slight, the increase in violence & suicide, & the attempts to destroy institutions that have for generations made our culture stable & strong?
What is the antidote for cynicism? First, like any problem, it must be honestly acknowledged to ourselves & to God. In a sense, cynicism is an enjoyable thing if we allow it to consume us. But, like any sin, it will destroy us. It begins by making us self-righteous & deaf to God’s voice. It destroys our ability to have healthy relationships with others.

Second, we must confess it to God & ask Him to graciously forgive & give us victory over its attraction.

Are you a recovering cynic? Do you want to begin? I welcome you to join me on the road to recovery.

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