Wednesday, August 1, 2018


I was just 11 years old when the movie “Dr. Zhivago” came out. It personalizes the historical process of the years leading up to & following the Russian Revolution of 1917.  At the time I had no appreciation for the movie, which I now find priceless. 
In one of the scenes, a crowd of marching peasants is singing a well-known Russian song outside a lavish Christmas party. The wealthy party attenders become nervous at the sound of the singing crowd below until one of the partiers, Komarovsky (a cynical “bad guy” who is also a very astute political opportunist) lightens things up by saying, “No doubt, they will be able to sing in tune after the Revolution.”

Komarovsky, in his cynical remark, was expressing the truth that political systems cannot change man’s nature or abilities. Some can increase people’s opportunity to reach their God-given potential, but they cannot change what a person is in reality. It’s a fool’s notion that socialism can somehow change people.

Jesus addressed another fools’ notion in Mark 7:1-23, when His opposers questioned why His disciples didn’t wash their hands. (Just a note – I do believe in sanitary practices!) Their immediate idea was about what removes ceremonial defilements so that people can draw close to God. By implication, they were talking about how to change man’s inner condition. Jesus’ response indicates that they saw defilement in terms of physical cleanness, & that this was a profound misunderstanding of the problem.

Both 1st Century Judaism (at least the part I mentioned) & modern socialism reflect a common aspiration & a common foundation. Both recognize the need to positively transform people’s lives. Both also prescribe a band aid on the cancer as a way to reach that ideal. They just can’t provide the goods.

You see, no political revolution is going to change man’s spiritual condition. See what 70 years of creating a Workers’ Paradise have done to the people of the former Soviet Union. No matter how ceremonially clean a person might appear to be on the outside, there’s still the inner spiritual darkness.

The only revolution that will change our lives is the revolution that Jesus brings.

Simply come to Him, be honest about what’s defiling & destroying your life. Surrender yourself to Him & ask Him to be your Lord who will transform your life.

Then see what happens after THAT revolution!

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