Thursday, November 19, 2015


A “working lunch” – have you ever participated in one? It’s a natural & efficient way to use time. A lot of good has been accomplished through such strategies. As someone who tends to be time-conscious & task-oriented, I have to confess that I really like it.

It’s easy for time-conscious & task-oriented people like me to fall into the trap of thinking that prayer is non-productive time. After all, what is being DONE when we pray? Aren’t we usually in a stationary position, doing nothing or nearly nothing with our hands? And just as bad, we may even have our eyes closed! How can you get anything done that way?

But, just to make sure we are making efficient use of the time, we have lists of prayer lists that we dutifully read off. (These are sometimes no more than a “honey-do” list for God.) We also tend to spend more time moving our lips than opening our hearts & ears to hear what God might have to say to us. This is at least in part so that we can feel like we accomplished something while just sitting still with our eyes closed.

Prayer isn’t work, you say? If you don’t think it is, try doing it for 8 hours. Or even 8 minutes.

They say that Martin Luther spent several hours a day praying, & that if he had an especially busy or stressful day ahead, he spent an additional hour or 2.

One thing’s for sure – you won’t regret it. And quality time spent with your Heavenly Father will change your life.

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