Sunday, November 8, 2015


Throughout their history, Pentecostals & charismatics have been known for their desire to experience the dynamic working of the Holy Spirit. We probably have dozens of songs expressing the idea that we are hungry or thirsty for God’s presence & working in us.

My question is – Why? Why do we have this deep desire to experience more of God?

Of course, there are many good, biblical reasons for such a hunger, which relate to our personal walk with the Lord. Sometimes we need encouragement or to be set free from something that has hindered us. At other times we may need physical healing or the consolation that only the Spirit can give in times of difficulty or loss.

Of course, many of us can also describe times when in simplicity, ignorance, or even selfishness, we thought that the whole purpose of the Spirit’s dynamic working was to just give us an experience. That special experience would show us (& probably others too) that we really were spiritual, & had been initiated into the “elite” of the Kingdom.
It is right that we desire to experience God’s presence in tangible & dynamic ways. But why? It is because of His redemptive purpose, which can be defined as the ultimate reason why God works in the world today.

He works toward the salvation of human beings & toward the conformity of believers/disciples to the image of Christ.

God’s redemptive purpose is more about fruitfulness that experiences. When He in His sovereignty blesses us in a dynamic way, it is to further that purpose in & through us. 

Remember this - Even in times when you don’t feel it, you can still unconsciously carry His presence in your life so that others may be brought into contact with Him.

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