Friday, December 4, 2015


I’ve been re-reading an excellent little book (just under 200 pages). It argues that true liberation theology is the Gospel of Christ, not the artificial blending of Marxism & nominal Christianity that sought to “revolutionize” Latin America throughout the 1960s-90s.
Here’s a quote from it: “Capitalism is quite simply the most moral system, the most effective system, & the most equitable system of economic exchange. When capitalism, the system of free economic exchange, is described fairly, there can be no question that it comes closer than socialism or interventionism to matching the demands of the biblical ethic” (page 110).
Another outstanding aspect of the book is Nash & Belli’s explanation of the 3 dominant, competing views of economics today (page 95ff). They are capitalism, socialism, & interventionism, which is a combination of the first 2. This section clarifies the idea that what many understand today as “capitalism” is not capitalism; it is actually interventionism.

There’s not space here to describe why I believe that that these writers are absolutely right in their assessment of economics & what system most effectively fulfills the biblical ideal. But I encourage you to get a copy & read it for yourself.

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