Monday, November 16, 2015


I’ve been thinking a lot about the process of the Christian life. Jesus saved me ‘way back in 1972. In the intervening decades (wow, it’s been 43 years since that very special September afternoon), He has made a lot of changes in me. At that time, I had no clue about the journey I was beginning.

You see, many people think of the Christian life as an event, rather than a process. It’s more than just “praying the sinner’s prayer” that we often see or hear. In fact, there are a lot of people who suppose that they are Christians, and who appear to believe that praying that prayer is the extent of Christian experience.
I believe that God purposely describes the Christian life sometimes as a marathon race and at other times as a wrestling match. He also uses agricultural terms to describe it. What is common to all these analogies? One commonality is that they each begin with a specific event (the starting gun, the bell in the first round, the planting of seed).

Another commonality is a process. The runner must reach the various milestones of the course and the wrestler must consistently apply the right strategy through the whole match. And the farmer must care for & watch over the seed he has planted until he harvests the produce.
It’s not enough to just start.
God is all about beginnings (& new beginnings). But He is also all about the processes through which He brings His ultimate purpose to completion.
What is His ultimate purpose? It’s not just for us to be with Him forever, as wonderful as that is. His ultimate purpose is actually to transform us into the image of His Son. If that doesn’t happen, we will be terribly out of place. Talk about the ultimate awkward moment!

Embrace the process that God is bringing you through & be thankful for it. You can do this as you remember His purpose in it all.

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