Wednesday, November 4, 2015


It seems that in our times people value & look for the new, the novel, or the different. Things or activities that are routine aren’t appreciated, just because they are so common. After all, some routines are just boring & easily taken for granted.

We often fail to appreciate the value of routine. What would life be like if one day the sun didn’t come up or the seasons no longer changed?

Have you lost a loved one whose mannerisms, words, or routines you sorely miss? 

Routine provides a natural, unhurried rhythm – like the Sabbath, which provides man the opportunity to worship the Lord. In doing this, man is renewed spiritually, physically, emotionally, & mentally.

The routine of doing the right things, the right way, for a long time also brings good results. How else, other than thru this, can excellent medical professionals, musicians, athletes, scientists, etc. be produced? 

That’s why spiritual disciplines are so vital.

They are the routine or discipline of doing the right things repeatedly. The result is a consistency in prayer, Bible reading/study, obedience to & sharing of known truth, & a deeper, more meaningful relationship with God. 

Effective ministry is also a result of doing the right things, for the right reasons, over a long period of time. This results in healthy churches that exalt Christ & effectively share God’s Word in their communities.

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