Monday, October 1, 2018


I’m going to paint some broad strokes, but my hope is you can see the parallels I’m trying to point out. Those parallels are between the regression that is in danger of happening in our legal system now, & what we left behind centuries ago.

All of the things I’m going to mention have one thing in common. Here goes...

Many people in our country believe that the Inquisition was a pre-Enlightenment occurrence. They believe that was carried out by religious bigots who persecuted people they thought who wanted to leave a church organization. There is some truth to those ides, but the reality is that the Inquisition was more a reaction to the political changes that were affecting the ability of the Roman Catholic Church & various European monarchies to prop up each other.

The French Revolution was really not much different in its attempt to acquire & maintain political power. It simply targeted a different group of people. In claiming to right the wrongs that were committed by the monarchy, the revolutionaries executed those associated in any way with it. People who happened to be part of the aristocracy, regardless of age or any other consideration were assumed to be the enemy of the new regime & of the people.

Each of these historical processes, the Inquisition & the French Revolution, was similar to today’s class warfare that is waged by the Left; certain classes were assumed to be guilty & others were assumed to be in the right. The individual was judged based on what class he or she was part of. Does that sound familiar?

There is good reason to be alarmed at what is happening in the Kavanaugh hearings. Elected officials are attributing guilt to him simply because he is a white male. His accuser does not have the responsibility to prove guilt because she is in a class that is by default to be believed.

That’s the way the Inquisition worked. You were lucky if you weren’t in the guilty class. Too bad for you & your loved ones if you were.

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It’s easy to get caught up in a couple of ideas that are not true. The first is that our situation of lawlessness & turmoil hasn't h...