Wednesday, September 19, 2018


A new creation in Christ

It was 46 years ago this month that I found out that Jesus is a real person. When that happened I turned from my own way of living & surrendered my life & future to Him. 

Since then, my life has never been the same since then. I’d like to share just a few of the things He has done to prove Himself to me. (Not “prove” in a scientific sense; that’s really an Enlightenment construct that has only been known for a few hundred years & that only a small minority of the world has ever used to measure truth. I mean in more of a sense of verifying His truth & affirming my obedience to Him.)

He has transformed my values & desires. I can remember as a rebellious & hard-headed teenager, my desire was nothing more than to become a professional musician. I was committed to doing whatever I thought would make me happy. My reality & priorities revolved around ME. Since then, my desires have revolved around finding & fulfilling God’s plan for the life He had entrusted to me. Granted, I have not always done that perfectly, but the “True North” of my life was radically changed.

BC me
He has made my life complete. 46 years ago, I was an emotional mess. Along with being self-centered, I was afraid. I remember seeing a counselor who recognized this & encouraged me to get help. I didn’t do it because I was also apathetic. Although the world is becoming more & more disfunctional & broken with each passing decade, my experience of His presence & peace continues to deepen.

He has guided my experiences & relationships. I’m thankful for all the friends He has brought into my life as a result of the processes & experiences He has led me into. They have all enriched me beyond description. My wife Deborah & children Allen & Jen; so many Christian & non-Christian friends in America & throughout the world. Everyone in their own unique way has been used by God to bring blessings to me. I pray He has used me to do the same for them.

He has taken me places I never expected to go. How could an 18-year-old ever conceive of doing the things I have been privileged to do & the places I have been blessed to live & serve in the last 4 ½ decades? He opened my eyes to the world. He allowed me to participate in ways I couldn’t in my wildest dreams imagine.

Today I’m just taking some time to think about these things & to thank my God.

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