Monday, October 29, 2018


If you’ve been in church for very long you may be familiar with the story in I Kings 18 about Elijah & the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. You may have heard preaching about that story or the one that immediately follows it in chapter 19, where Jezebel threatens his life & Elijah flees as far south as he can to escape her.

I was just reading those 2 chapters & it reminded me about something that is really important for all believers. It reminded me that no one is invincible or immune from getting hit hard on the gridiron that we call life. 

Something very notable in chapter 18 is that every step Elijah took in confronting & overcoming the challenge was taken in conscientious obedience to God’s direction. God directed Elijah to confront Ahab (18:1, 36). Every word & action of the prophet reflected the boldness & confidence of someone who had clearly heard from God.

The execution of the Baal prophets, along with the miraculous end of the 3-year drought likely caused Elijah to believe that Israel had turned a corner & could now be restored to right relationship with God.

Boy, did he get a surprise the next day!

When Ahab told Jezebel what had happened, she didn’t take it lying down. Instead she went on the offensive & threatened to have Elijah killed. Instead of the great victory he anticipated, he got hit in the face with a huge disappointment. Instead of Jezebel folding, the “invincible” man of God folded & ran.

We can fall into the trap of seeing ourselves as invincible. Sometimes because of youthful energy, faithfulness in spiritual disciplines, previous ministry victories, etc. we think that nothing can stop us. True, God’s redemptive plan cannot ultimately be stopped. But it may experience what appear to us to be setbacks. We can be disappointed when what we expected doesn’t happen as we hoped. We can experience emotional highs & lows.

In a word, we’re not invincible.

But the Lord is. 

Let’s be encouraged today by that, not by our own feeling that for whatever reason we won’t experience setbacks & disappointments.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Pastor Ray I needed to read that. This reminds me that the enemy of our souls is constantly working to thwart us and our walk with God (Jesus and Holy Spirit )
    To hinder our prayers. But, putting on our Spiritual armor daily from Ephesians chapter 6 helps us to overcome and continue being the Christian soldiers that we are intended to be. Plus it's good that we are buffeted because it keeps us close to God. You are right we are not invincible but we serve an INVINCIBLE God. I started a Bible study prayer group in my home. What a blessing but I find the enemy really working hard against Chuck and I.Through it all we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus as we keep our eyes on Him. And pray continually as the Apostle Paul taught us all. I have a vision of a home Church in my basement. A church that doesn't rely on the government for kick backs. But a church that is like the book of Acts. Trusting and relying on God for everything. Sharing what we have with one another. Allowing God to show himself strong on our behalf. I believe that's how He wants all His Remnant to live.



It’s easy to get caught up in a couple of ideas that are not true. The first is that our situation of lawlessness & turmoil hasn't h...