Saturday, December 1, 2018


There’s a whole lot of flipping going on! I don't mean houses, or the bird.

You may be familiar with George Orwell’s book 1984. One of its big themes has to do with changing the meaning of words & phrases. This flipping of words & phrases, changing their historical & usually very obvious meaning, is a useful strategy for movements whose aim is to transform our culture. Doing this is intended to be part of the process of creating Utopia.

Let me share with you a few examples of how this has been done or is in the process of being done. 

Family: Traditionally, a family has been made up of a man & woman who have committed themselves to each other in marriage, & the children who come from that union. It seems now to mean just about any group of people who are in some way emotionally tied together.

Patriotism: This has always been characterized as a love of one’s country along with the traditions, values, symbols, & institutions that give the country its particular identity. Now it appears to mean the willingness to allow those traditions, values, symbols, & institutions to be torn down in the name of diversity.

Women’s health: If understood logically, this should refer to proper medical treatment for women. Now it is a euphemism for the supposed right of women to have their babies murdered in the womb. By the way, many of those babies would otherwise have grown up to be women. Go figure.

Voter suppression: The reasonable meaning of this is the placing & maintaining of legal or other barriers that would make it difficult or impossible for registered voters to participate in the electoral process. Most of the time it is used now, it is an emotional appeal to overlook voter & election fraud. Voter & election fraud actually disenfranchises legitimate voters.

Separating families: This has historically referred to circumstances where parents & their children have been physically split up due to various circumstances like divorce, a parent in the military or incarcerated, etc. Now it refers to the actions of law enforcement professionals fulfilling their responsibilities based on laws that have been on the books for longer than the current administration has existed.

I’m sure you can think of other examples, but these few will do.

What's my point? 

Let’s put it this way: Beware of & don't passively accept the efforts of the little social justice warriors around you who seek to be imitators of Orwell’s Big Brother.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading this and wholeheartedly agree that we all need to stick with traditional God given values in all areas of this journey through hell on planet Earth.



It’s easy to get caught up in a couple of ideas that are not true. The first is that our situation of lawlessness & turmoil hasn't h...