Thursday, December 6, 2018


Maybe it’s a good thing that many followers of Jesus today use their cellphones for a lot of their Bible reading. I say that because it’s rare to see people who have the kind of reverence for Scripture that motivates them to treat a hard copy of the Bible with more respect & consideration than they do their cellphone. 

Or maybe I’m just too old school.

I was reading II Kings 22 today, the story of King Josiah. The 2 preceding kings, his father & grandfather, failed to follow God’s Word & lead their people in obedience to the covenant that God had brought them into. Remarkably, Josiah ordered a restoration of the Temple, which had over the last 2 generations been defiled & allowed to fall into disrepair & misuse.

When those in charge of repairs discovered a partial copy of the Law (very possibly the blessings & curses of Deuteronomy 28-30), they reported this to Josiah. “When the king heard the words of the book of the law, he tore his clothes” (vs 11). This behavior was an expression of sincere, desperate repentance. Josiah then sent representatives to a prophetess named Huldah to inquire further of the Lord. Ultimately, this led to national renewal & repentance that delayed God’s judgment for a little longer.

For a lot of reasons, we find it very easy to take the Bible for granted. A couple of other major problem today are general biblical illiteracy & intentional misuse of Scripture to advance a personal agenda.

The rediscovery of God’s Word in Josiah’s day led to a repentance that brought about national renewal. 

The Living God can do it again in our generation. A confrontation with His word thru the working of the Holy Spirit can bring us to a time of renewal & repentance. This can & must touch those around us & the generation that will follow us.

We don’t have to tear our clothes like Josiah did, but we do need to hear & respond to God’s Word as it convicts us.

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It’s easy to get caught up in a couple of ideas that are not true. The first is that our situation of lawlessness & turmoil hasn't h...