Sunday, November 18, 2018


One of the dynamics in discussions about things that people have different opinions about is how the topic is framed. 

There are many ways that this can be done. It’s important to recognize when someone is framing the discussion, because it is in their interest & is an advantage for their point of view that the framing not be noticed.

Questions reflect the unspoken assumptions of the questioner. They are sometimes more of a statement than a question.

This video clip is a textbook example of someone using such a strategy.

What do you think are the unspoken assumptions behind Harris' questions? Those assumptions are the basis for her questions, which are really more statements than questions.

Here are a few things to remember (at least from my perspective as someone who has not worked in law enforcement) about the job of any law enforcement agency:

Their primary purpose is not to concern themselves about perceptions, but to enforce the law.

Any perceptions that they do generate should include be positive among those they are tasked to protect, which in the case of ICE is American citizens.

The people whom ICE deals with in fulfilling their task are those who are or may be breaking the law. Any perception among this group is correctly based on the fear of being caught. But this perception is incidental to the actual work they do.

The unspoken assumption of Harris’ questions is that ICE officers are to be concerned primarily with giving a positive, non-threatening perception to those who are in the US illegally. According to this legislator, ICE agents are to be PR people, not law enforcement professionals.

By the way, the nominee for ICE has no doubt conducted many interrogations/interviews with suspected violators & is probably amused by the “serious demeanor” being projected by Harris.  

Incidentally Harris may also be positioning herself for a 2020 Democrat run for president.

Just be aware of what's happening here.

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