Sunday, June 24, 2018


Psalm 119 is a favorite of many believers & is in some ways unique. First, with 176 verses, it’s the longest chapter in the Bible (interestingly, Psalm 117 is the shortest). Second, almost every verse in some way mentions God’s Word. The various terms in this Psalm such as law, testimonies, precepts, way, statues, etc. are all nouns that reveal various ways of regarding God’s Word.

It’s divided into 22 sections, each containing 8 verses. In the original language, each 8-verse section begins with the letter that we see at the top of the section. For example, the first section begins with Aleph (A) & the next begins with Beth (B).

This Psalm gives us counsel about how to face challenges as we seek to live out the truth of God’s Word. One particular area is how we respond to the unbelief that seems to surround us wherever we turn. 

For example:

"Take away reproach and contempt from me, for I observe Your testimonies. Even though princes sit and talk against me, Your servant meditates on Your statutes" (verses 22-23).

"Incline my heart to Your testimonies and not to dishonest gain. Turn away my eyes from looking at vanity, and revive me in Your ways. Establish Your word to Your servant, as that which produces reverence for You" (verses 36-38).

"The cords of the wicked have encircled me, but I have not forgotten Your law" (verse 61).

Generations of believers have been encouraged & challenged thru reading, meditating on, & memorizing Psalm 119. I encourage you to spend some time this week in this gold mine. See what the Lord might have to say to you.

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