Friday, June 22, 2018


We’ve started reading thru the Gospel of Matthew in our devotions & I noticed again that Matthew mentions 6 instances of people having God-given dreams. With only one exception, there are all recorded in chapters 1-2. They are experienced by devout Jews & by those outside Judaism. 

Here’s a list:
  • Joseph 1:20 (not to cut off his engagement to Mary); 2:13, 19, 22 (to move his family to safety & for reassurance about their safety).
  • The Magi from the East 2:12 (warning not to return & report to Herod about finding the child Jesus).
  • Pilate’s wife 27:19 (a warning she passed on to Pilate about Jesus).

If all these dreams had been experienced by Jews, or at least by those who were clearly seeking God, it would be a lot easier to make sense of them. But Pilate’s wife makes it puzzling. Although she refers to Jesus as a righteous man, there doesn’t seem to be any indication that she was a follower of Jesus or had any desire to follow Him at that point.

What are we to make of these wild dreams? That’s a topic to be studied. But there is definitely one thing that is clear to me right now. It’s that every dream was directly related to God’s redemptive plan in Christ. Also, they were not limited to people who are already personally committed to Him or to their part in His plan.

If you are someone who prays for those who don’t yet follow Christ, take encouragement from this. God can give you dreams to encourage you to persevere. Even more important, I believe we can pray that God will give dreams to those we’re praying will come into the Kingdom.

I don’t want to lengthen this any more than necessary, but what’s so special about God speaking to people in dreams? He can speak to their innermost part at a totally unguarded time. Are you praying for someone whose heart seems hard & impenetrable? Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to them thru a dream that will shake their world. The content, timing, & way He speaks is His business. But I believe He may be waiting on you & me to ask.

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