Monday, February 12, 2018


We’ve been reading about Joseph (Genesis 37-47) this week in our devotions. There are all kinds of lessons that can be learned thru his experiences (godly character & integrity, leadership, faithfulness to a God-given vision, etc). You’ve probably heard a lot of preaching or teaching about these topics based on Joseph’s life.

I have a little problem with not seeing beyond these wonderful & helpful insights.

Sometimes, we don’t see the big picture because the snapshot that encourages or challenges us where we are right now seems so powerful to us. Notice what Joseph said to his brothers: “God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant in the earth” (Genesis 45:7).

Joseph is really not the hero of the story of Joseph. He & his experiences are the snapshot. In the big picture, God is the hero. His redemptive plan in progress is what I’m encouraging you to see.

What was happening in Joseph’s life? God allowed him to be sent to Egypt to preserve the descendants of Abraham, who were ordained to be a blessing to the world (Genesis 12:1-3). Later, the Israelites underwent 400 years of slavery in Egypt before being delivered by Moses (whose life gives us another series of wonderful lessons). Joshua victoriously led them into the Promised Land, the Judges guided them during generations of national apostasy & restoration. David united the tribes. Solomon’s son Rehoboam split the kingdom & initiated a downward spiral that eventually ended in national destruction. After their restoration in the Promised Land under leaders like Ezra & Nehemiah, the Old Testament period came to an end.

A few hundred years later, the Gospels were written to give us the story of Jesus. As the son of Mary, He came as a Jew, a direct descendant of the people whom God had used Joseph to preserve.

You see, each part of the Old Testament is a necessary part of the process in which God brought the fulfillment of His plan to bring salvation thru Jesus. That’s the big picture.

Enjoy the stories, glean the lessons from them. But remember, those are just snapshots. Don’t forget the real Hero who is behind it all.

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