Thursday, February 22, 2018


The other day we were reading about Jesus’ healing of the Roman centurion’s servant (Luke 7:2-10), & I saw something interesting. 3 opinions were expressed about the centurion. One was how others saw him, another was how he saw himself, & the last was how Jesus saw him.

Notice the contrast between how others saw him & how he saw himself. The Jews spoke well of him because he was a compassionate benefactor. So, to them he was worthy to make a request of Jesus. “He’s such a great guy. Surely Jesus will see him as worthy of help.” When Jesus arrived on the scene, He saw someone who didn’t view himself as a great, deserving man. The centurion said, “Lord, I don’t deserve to have You enter my home.”

Jesus didn’t seem to look at him from either category, worthiness or unworthiness. He saw the man’s faith & marveled at it. In fact, in a remark that must have stung the sensibilities of those who were standing by. “I say to you, not even in Israel have I found such great faith.”

The centurion didn’t put his faith in the estimation of others, nor in his own worthiness. He recognized the authority of Jesus. Jesus could simply speak a word & it was done. He saw his own authority as a Roman officer to command others as a reflection of a life-changing truth – Jesus has absolute authority to speak to all creation.

God isn’t impressed by what others think of us, or by what we think of ourselves. But if we can trust in Jesus’ authority to reign in our lives & in all the circumstances that surround us, we can expect to see Him work in powerful & miraculous ways to bring about His plan in our lives & in those we love.

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