Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Have you ever heard someone, when he reacted badly to a perceived wrong, blame the circumstances or something wrong that someone said or did to him? I have.

But here’s something I don’t remember ever hearing – someone who responded correctly to a bad situation saying that his right reaction was the result of the wrong that was done, said, or experienced.

That is because our reaction, good or bad, is more about what is inside us, not around us. 

What am I saying here? Simply that God in His wisdom uses negative things to bring out what is already in our hearts. For what purpose? So that we can see more clearly what is in our hearts, the things that are already open & visible in the sight of our Heavenly Father.

He knows that if left undetected, negative & sinful things can poison us spiritually, emotionally, & even physically. We will not be able to experience the fullness of His plan for us if we are affected by unseen, hidden faults or sins.

Rather than blessing others, we are in danger of poisoning them.

It may be that God is allowing you to go thru a difficult situation. It may seem to be unjust or unfair. The important thing right now is not so much that it gets made right. The important thing is that we use the situation to let God show us what is in our hearts. 

Then He can do the necessary work in us. And we can trust Him to do what is right in the situation that we are facing.

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It’s easy to get caught up in a couple of ideas that are not true. The first is that our situation of lawlessness & turmoil hasn't h...