Friday, November 11, 2016


According to vote counts today, Clinton had as many as 400,000 more votes than Trump. Every presidential election when the popular vote is like this, we get treated to a lot of complaints about the Electoral College & why we need to get rid of it & change to a simple popular vote.

One thing we need to remember is that our Founding Fathers, the people who conceived the Electoral College, didn’t do it in the kind of setting that today’s disappointed activists do.
They spent countless hours seriously discussing & debating the issue. They had done extensive reading & thinking about how to best keep elections reflective of the will of the people & the individual states. And, their discussions weren’t in the context of frustration about how they wished an election had turned out.

I won’t go into the rationale that finally brought them to the place where they enshrined the College into the federal election process. There’s a lot of information online about that.

The other thing that is important to remember is that we shouldn’t assume that every single one of those 400,000 votes was legitimate. 

Voter & election fraud are real, & I’m very thankful that there apparently wasn’t enough to swing the election in Clinton’s favor. I hope that one of the priorities of the Trump DOJ is to investigate & prosecute cases of voter & election fraud (not to mention voter intimidation). If not, it will grow like a cancer & affect future elections.

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