Friday, November 4, 2016


Back in the mid & late 1960s a common expression among my peers was “Rules are made to be broken.”

It reflected a rebellious, smug attitude that considered our “enlightened” way of seeing things as superior to what generations of Judeo-Christian culture had established.

Another negative fallout of this “we know better” attitude is that not only are rules made to be broken, but relationships are also made to be broken. The truth is that the marriage relationship has God’s stamp of creation & approval. It is made to last for a lifetime.

Of course, my generation isn’t the only culprit in the creation of a “throw-away relationships” culture. Popular entertainment in earlier decades began to legitimize this way of seeing marriage relationships.

I’m not criticizing or condemning those who have experienced broken marriages. On the contrary, I’m saying that they are experiencing the results of a false view of what God intended marriage to be. The results of thinking that relationships are made to be broken aren't really so enlightened or wonderful after all…

What I'm saying is that no matter how smart of clever we feel we are as a culture, we can never go one better than what God has established. 

I'm also saying that it’s a lot smarter, not to mention more fun, to stay with His way of seeing the marriage relationship.

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