Sunday, December 13, 2015


I have to be honest – As a disciple of Christ, one of the most distressing things to me personally about the Syrian refugee situation is how some have interpreted & applied Scripture to it. They have managed, either intentionally or in ignorance, to misapply the biblical teaching about individual & corporate Christian treatment of “strangers.”

They have then used that teaching to say that civil government must prioritize this over its responsibility to insure as much as possible the physical safety of its citizens.

At the same time, God can use what we believe to be foolish, irresponsible, even evil actions of people & governments to bring about His redemptive plan. THIS this is where the biblical mandate for caring for strangers applies.

I know of a number of congregations who are doing just that. They are befriending & building relationships with the refugees. Does this mean that they agree with the policy? Not necessarily. Does it mean that they are fulfilling the biblical mandate about “strangers” as the Lord intended? I believe it does.
Another question comes to mind.  After misusing Scripture to push and open border policy, will they then encourage or discourage active outreach to these “strangers” in order to make Christ known to them? I hope that, to be at least a little consistent, they would encourage it.

You see, the best defensive weapon (& maybe the best offensive weapon also) against Islamic terrorism & its terrible fruit is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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