Monday, August 24, 2015


Most people today probably think idolatry just happened in past times, when ancient people bowed down to some kind of statue. Others who think further about the implications of this idea realize that idolatry can still happen. In cultures like where my wife & I live, much religious activity revolves around the veneration of sacred images.

But that’s not where it ends.

Idolatry is worshiping something that we have made ourselves, so it is possible for idols to exist in any place or time. Anything that we invent, discover, or manufacture can become our idol if we attribute an inordinate amount of worth to it.

But there is another layer in idolatry. It’s not only ascribing undue worth to something; the thing that we have created is also the object of our faith & trust. We have idols because we look to them as a source of provision, protection, fulfillment, satisfaction, etc.

There is a new, unofficial religion today which some have called Technicism. This new, secular religion sees technology, not God, as the ultimate answer to man’s problems. Technicism teaches that through technological advances, man can end poverty, create a just world, and ultimately create his long-sought utopia.

I’m not against technology - it is an expression of our God-given ability to create. It can & should be used to improve our lives. But, nothing that man can create can ever meet our ultimate need, which is spiritual. Only Jesus Christ can do that.

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