Wednesday, August 12, 2015

I Need You More

There’s a beautiful song we used to sing in the late 1990s by Wendell Cooley. It’s called “I Need You More.”  Some of the lyrics are:

I need You more, more than yesterday. 
 need You more, more than words can say.
I need You more, more than ever before.
I need You Lord, I need You Lord.

More than the air I breathe, more than the song I sing, 
More than the nest heartbeat, more than anything.
And Lord as time goes by, I'll be by Your side,
'Cause I never want to go back to my old life.

It would be easy to assume that the longer we follow Christ and the more we grow in that relationship, the less aware we become of our need for Him. Actually, the opposite is true. Think of this way: The closer I am to Christ, the farther away I will sometimes feel.

As our minds are transformed by God’s Word, and our hearts are sensitized by the Holy Spirit, we become more aware of our tendency to drift. The “little sins” that didn’t bother us before begin to disturb our conscience. We start to realize how easily we are distracted by our impulses and self-centeredness. We sense that it is only God’s grace and faithfulness that keep us safe.

The evidence that I am walking with God is not being immune to temptation or forgetting my fallen-ness. The real evidence is an increasing awareness of how dependent I am on Him. 

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