Thursday, August 6, 2015

Hello World!

I’m a brand new baby blogger, & am excited about the privilege of conversing with you about things that are of interest to us.

Maybe you’re wondering why I chose to call this blog Twice a Pilgrim. It’s because twice in my life I have responded to God’s call to go “somewhere else.” The first re-location was a spiritual one, when I surrendered my life to Christ in 1972. The second was a geographical one when my wife & I responded to God’s call to serve Him here in the Philippines. We have lived here since 2002.

You might be wondering what an old “digital immigrant guy” (but who is still young at heart) who lives in what for most people is a far-away place like the Philippines could possibly have to say. Well, I’ve got a lot, & I’d love to share it with you & hear what you think about it.

Some of it will be insights from my devotional life. Some will be cultural &/or spiritual insights that I have received from a lifetime of experience, observation, & reflection. In everything, I will do my best to speak as a follower of Christ who happens to live in a far different place from where he grew up.

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