Monday, November 4, 2019


A famous pastor centuries ago said something like, “Preach the gospel, & use words when necessary.”

He was giving a very powerful truth about the importance of how we live to confirm what we profess. But it's not one or the other, words or lifestyle, that we must choose between.

If we have a Christian lifestyle without words, people really don't understand what we believe.

If we have words without a Christian lifestyle, people stumble over the way that we live and don't believe the message.

I encourage you today, proclaim Christ with both your lifestyle and your words. It's a holistic message. The lifestyle confirms the truth of what we say. The truth we speak gives meaning to the lifestyle that we live.

The really great thing about this is that the Holy Spirit uses both our words and our Christian lifestyle to bring conviction and revelation to the people that we love, care about, & pray for.

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