Sunday, September 4, 2016


When I was a teenager who had not yet come to know Christ, I was content to think that it would be sufficient to live to the age of 25. What more was there than to become a professional musician, spend my time partying, & just burn out after a few years? After all, a good number of my idols had done exactly that.

Fortunately, when I came to my senses & gave my life to Christ just after my 18th birthday, I began to understand that my life was not my own, to do with it what I wished. Since that time the Lord has blessed me with several additional decades of life. By His grace, I have tried to invest them in following His will for me.

Although this life is short, it is immeasurably important. Whether your life ends at 25 years, or at 50, 60, or 75 or beyond, it is still brief. The primary reason for the importance of this brief life is that it is to be spent preparing for eternity.

Imagine a pile of sand 6 feet high. Imagine that every 100 years a bird comes & removes one grain of sand from the pile. Now imagine that when the last grain of sand has been removed how long it will have taken to accomplish the task. That incredibly long period of time is not even the smallest measure of a fraction of eternity.

It’s true – the God of the Bible is “the God of the Second Chance.” But the second chance is given only during our brief time here on earth. We need to get it right the first time.

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