Monday, July 18, 2016


Dinesh D’Souza is an American of Asian Indian descent. He has seen life from both sides – as a child & youth in India, & as a university student & working adult in America. D’Souza is an excellent researcher & writer – widely read, open minded, & intellectually honest.

A couple of years ago he made a video called America: Imagine a World Without Her, based on his book of the same name. Although there are many praiseworthy things about the video, the best one is that it describes in simple fashion what can be called the “shame history” of the United States. This history, by the way, is commonly taught in many of the educational institutions of our beloved nation.

This shame history argues a number of things. One is that American was enlarged by stealing vast amounts of land from Mexico. Another is that it was enriched by slavery. An additional one is that native Americans were intentionally & systematically wiped out by the European settlers. Finally, it argues that America continues to be enriched thru wars of conquest.

After summarizing these & interviewing a number of proponents of these “shame” views of American history, D’Souza shows in very simple terms why these ideas are wrong & inaccurate.

I say all these things to whet your appetite for this video. My motive is to encourage you to inform yourself for those times when someone will to propagandize you or someone you love with this shame history.

Tonight, make some popcorn. Get a pen & paper, or your laptop to take notes. Then spend about 90 minutes re-discovering the real America that generations of our countrymen have loved & appreciated. Then you can shine some light on shame history.

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It’s easy to get caught up in a couple of ideas that are not true. The first is that our situation of lawlessness & turmoil hasn't h...