Thursday, June 30, 2016


What is a caricature? It can be defined as a distorted representation of something, based on one’s observation or perception of it.

Well-meaning & sincere disciples of Christ have at various times provided a perception of Christianity that agrees with some of the caricatures. But before we throw Christianity out, we must realize that this is why the Scriptures & the personal working of the Spirit are so vital. They keep believers true to God’s intended way of living.

Human nature & the reality of spiritual opposition to God & His plan insure that there are many ways to justify a rejection of Christ.

Here are a few caricatures that are out there:
  • Christians hate those who disagree with them in matters of religion, morality, etc.
  • Christians are to keep their beliefs to themselves because religion is a private matter.
  • Christians are closed-minded & uncreative.

There is a clear distinction between hating things that according to Scripture destroy people’s lives, & hating the people whose lives are being destroyed by those things. This distinction is sometimes hard for people to see. Hence the stereotype that Christians hate others. Christians are to hate sin & unbelief (or wrong belief) – our love for God, truth, & people motivate us to do that.

A “Christianity” that is secularized, anemic, complacent should be kept to one’s self. But the kind of faith that Scripture describes & that the Spirit of the Living God creates in a person’s life is meant to be lived out & communicated. It is to be carried into the market place, the educational setting, & every area of public & private life.
As to creativity, who created the sunset? Who delights in the wonderful diversity that is found in the human race or in the animal kingdom? I’m convinced that creativity is a gift from God. I also believe that when it is used selfishly or for negative purposes it is just a perversion of the creativity that our Creator put in us.

Christians love; they desire others to have fullness of life; they enjoy being creative & discovering the vastness of God’s creation. Don’t fall for cheap caricatures! 

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