Wednesday, January 13, 2016


This word is very much a theological team. I learned about it in Bible college while studying the differences between Calvinism & Arminianism etc. But the idea has a lot of relevance for us today as we see our culture degrading before our eyes.
In my devotions today, I read several passages about various Bible characters who needed to persevere in following God’s plan in their lives.

Perseverance is a pretty unpopular word & concept for many people. The quest for immediate gratification mixes with it about as well as oil does with water.
It’s ironic that individuals & groups with evil intentions seem to be better at practicing perseverance than those with good, innocent, or even godly agendas or desires.

We live in a fallen, sinful world. The devil seems to infuse an insidious kind of perseverance in those who serve his purposes.

Good, godly intentions are worth persevering over. If we don’t know how to persevere, we will by default be overcome in the marathon of life. Allow God to develop in your life a quality that one of my old Junior High teachers used to call “sticktoitiveness.”

I love this old hymn:

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