Thursday, October 15, 2015


What happens when people believe that there is no objective source of truth other than their own opinions?

Maybe you’ve heard stories about children left alone for a few minutes, & who do something foolish without thinking of the consequences, & start a fire.

They had no intention of harming anyone. They just didn’t know better.

How can they be saved? Not by their cleverness and ability to rationalize. Not by ignoring or joking about the life-threatening situation.

They are only are saved by someone who knows how to put it out or get them out of the burning building.

What motivates the idea that we are the source of truth?
Are we afraid of some authority outside of ourselves?
Are we unwilling to admit that we might be wrong?
Do we have a narcissistic pride in our imaginary self-sufficiency?

An unfortunate characteristic of secularized Westerners is the tendency, like the children in the burning house, to think we can come up with our own truth. To persist is to invite destruction; to seek the Living God who created us for Himself is to escape & find abundant life.

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