Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Afraid to be Dependent

Living outside the US, we don’t get to see a lot of American advertising. But it often appeals to individualism. Supposedly, if you get this hair product, jeans, gadget, vehicle, etc, you’ll be different from everyone else (regardless of the fact that they want as many people as possible to buy it).

One thing that most people want is the power to “be my own person.” We have a lot of sayings that reflect our obsession with our individuality:
  • Be true to yourself
  • Follow your heart
  • All I want is for you to be happy
  • Make your own road
  • It’s nobody’s business how I live my life
  • It’s my life/body & I’ll do with it what I want

Even in cultures where people get their identity from the group, there is a strong impulse to “look out for #1.” It comes out in a lot of ways, such as anger or resentment at having to fulfill the requirements that the family has put on you.

In spite of what you have read so far, I have what may be an epiphany for you – God doesn’t want to destroy your individuality. Just the opposite is true. He actually wants you to know that He has a special plan, one that is tailor-made just for you. The key to knowing & experiencing your true distinctiveness is to allow Him to guide you in the fulfillment of that plan, which He has had since before the world began.
Here’s my challenge to you:
Get over the fear of letting God call the shots in your life.
Stop hiding & trying to protect yourself with a perverted individualism that kicks God out of the picture.

When we become the final authority we inevitably destroy ourselves because we’re not qualified to know what is best.

But, like the old TV show says, “Father Knows Best.”

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