Friday, December 2, 2016


One of the big things we do is teach at a church-based training center which is the first of hopefully many on our island. Why do we have this kind? Because one-size-fits-all training is neither realistic nor effective. This is the first step of setting up what I like to call a “flexible training infrastructure” which makes ministerial training accessible to anyone who wants it. 

For example, the time available for new high school graduates to study is much different than it is for adults who are working & have a family.

Professionals who already have a bachelors degree will be able to study at a higher academic level than those who may have struggled to finish high school.

Also, what about using the internet for making classes & courses available for some who prefer to take part of their training that way?

My point is that if we want to serve students & potential students, we had better be ready to set aside our own convenience & agenda, & be ready to cater to them where they are.

While the analogy isn't perfect, there are a lot of things that can be learned about how to improve education in the US.

A big one is that training (aka education) must fit the needs & desires of those it serves. Education does not serve educators or organizations that hide their real motives by claiming to care about “the children” – it serves students.

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