Monday, October 3, 2016


It seems like one of the verses that I hear most often is Ephesians 2:8-9.

In much of the world, a major problem in Christianity is what I call the “I-prayed-a-prayer-to-accept-Jesus-so-now-I’m-OK” style of being a believer. One of the many sad results of this way of thinking about conversion is that it all starts & ends with the “Sinner’s Prayer.” Once that’s marked off the checklist, the “new believer” is free to go on his merry way. Maybe you know a few “Christians” like that.

It’s vital to be aware of what the verse immediately following, because it shows that our salvation experience is only the beginning of a new life which has been designed by God from eternity past.

This has meaning for me personally, because when I began to follow Christ at the age of 18, I had no idea that I would be involved a few decades later in mentoring pastors on the other side of the world. It’s true that God’s plan for us is beyond our wildest dreams.

Another aspect of this is the consideration that the Book of Ephesians wasn’t written to an individual – it was written to a congregation.

There are common rather than just individual considerations to think about here. God’s plan for the believer involves being part of the community of believers. It is in those relationships, during the hard times & the good times, that we grow spiritual & experience the grace of God. As we serve one another, we participate in the fulfillment of God’s eternal plan.

Believer, make sure that your story of Ephesians 2:10 gets told. Others need you & are depending on you.

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