Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Spiritual leaders, especially in the local church, provide an irreplaceable link in the process of fulfilling the Great Commission. They are so valuable that in Ephesians 4:8-11 they are called God’s gift the church. Their work is so important that a list of strict qualifications is given for them in I Timothy 3:1-7.

Thru their words & way of life, spiritual leaders provide instruction on how believers are to live.

Jesus’ words & example provided instruction to the early disciples about how to live. As the church expanded, its leaders continued to provide the example thru their repetition of Jesus’ words & way of life.

This leads to the relevance of those who provide spiritual leadership today. Just as Jesus gave the model to the early believers, pastors & other leaders now provide a contemporary example. They are to proclaim & teach God’s Word. They are to model how to live it.

What is the responsibility of those who follow these God-called leaders? According to Hebrews 13:17, believers are to obey them; this implies doing what they ask, following their example. It is primarily an outward, behavioral emphasis. This verse also calls believers to submit to them; this is more of a heart attitude emphasis.

One of the best ways to show our obedience to the Lord is to honor & submit to the spiritual leaders He has placed in our lives.

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