Saturday, March 19, 2016


There is a lot of debate about what will happen to those who have never heard the Gospel, & those who live in areas of the world where the Gospel is not available.
There are a lot of arguments that theologians have put forth to make it seem that God has some kind of “Plan B” in cases where for whatever reason people who haven’t heard. Some of them make a lot of sense, & they appeal to our natural desire for things to work out for the best. 
The problem that I personally have with this idea is that it has practical implications if you follow it to its logical conclusion.
If God makes an exception & does have a way to save people who have never heard of Christ, then maybe it’s better if they don’t hear. After all, they might decide to reject Him & not be saved. So, if we don’t tell them, we can trust that God in His mercy will somehow save people in their state of ignorance.
So, by not taking the Gospel to others, we assure their salvation.

I don’t believe that Jesus meant that when He commissioned us to “Go into all the world & preach the Gospel.” 

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