He instructed Moses about the details. He had Moses commission 2 men to design and to create the structures. He directed Moses to have the Israelites donate the materials to be used to build the tabernacle, its furnishings, & the instruments to be used there. The same is true of the priestly garments that were to be provided for Aaron & his sons.
The reason this is so incredible to me is that God could have just spoken & the tabernacle would have appeared. That's kinda what Aaron claimed that happened with the golden calf when Moses was up on the mountain. "I just threw the earrings in & out popped the idol!" God could have snapped His fingers & made the tabernacle appeared out of nothing.
But he chose to use people to provide materials for it & to do the actual work, following the blueprint that He had given Moses.
Among many things, the tabernacle was intended to represent God's presence and to carry the the furnishings where God was understood by the Israelites to dwell among them.
God dwelling among people, being with them, working in & thru them, is profound.
His revelation in Christ reveals that Jesus fulfilled God's desire embodied & expressed thru the tabernacle. "The Word became flesh & dwelt/tabernacled among us."
As miraculous as the reality of our experience of God's presence is in our lives now, the hope that we have as believers in Christ goes even beyond that. In the end, Scripture tells us that the Lord will be the light in the New Jerusalem. He will dwell in a tangible way in the midst of mankind. There be no need for a sun or moon because the Lamb, Jesus Christ, will be the light. God will tabernacle with with mankind.
We know that God has placed in us a desire for Him. But do you realize that He also has a desire for us? He wants to be with us, living in us. He wants to work in us and transform us into the image of Christ. He wants to work thru us to bring that same transformation of others' lives.
Be encouraged that he wants to be with you. He's done everything necessary for that to happen.